Sunday, September 30, 2007
New Video: Chess Trick #1 - Quickly Calculating King vs. Pawn movements
Saturday, September 29, 2007
My first chess video
My first youTube video. Hopefully it is interesting enough. I am working on the Sicilian defense, and although this is a somewhat unorthodox game in the Sicilian, I think it demonstrated some important themes that I will be discussing more in depth later.
Thanks for watching!
The votes are in!
Mate in One (7%)
Mate in Two (15%)
Mate in Three (15%)
Pin Tactics (0%)
Fork Tactics (23%)
Skewer Tactics (0%)
All Equally! (38%)
Pretty clear results there - all tactics should be practiced equally even if time is limited.
This week's poll is: "For teaching young children chess, the most important thing to focus on is ..." Looking forward to your opinions on this one!
New Video: Exploring Fischer's Openings #4: King's Indian Defence vs. Queen's Pawn Game
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Evaluate the Position
A large part of playing chess is being able to evaluate a position. Usually it is not the person who can calculate the deepest that has the advantage, it is the person who can better evaluate the positions that will arise from the calculation. In this position, from a game I recently played, the material is even, but both players have certain advantages.
Which side would you rather be, black or white? Why? What advantages and disadvantages does each side have? I will list them below, but try to think of them before looking.
If I have missed anything or have wrongly evaluated the position please let me know. With this knowledge, we can come up with reasonable plans for White and Black.
White should seek to exchange pieces to alleviate the cramped position. He may also, if he can secure a safe king, play for counter-attack on the queen side.
Black should seek to exploit White's weakened king and try to transform his spacial and quality advantages into material advantages for a winning end-game.
It is Black's move. Do you see a tactic that will accomplish this goal?
Monday, September 24, 2007
Chessmaster 10 Arrived
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The Votes Speak Volumes: Tactics Prevail!
Openings! (6%)
Middle Game! (6%)
End Game! (17%)
Tactics! (58%)
Play lots of matches! (10%)
This week's poll focuses on what tactics should be a priority if time is limited. Looking forward to the results!
Some Different Fischer Video Clips
Susan Polgar in Mexico
You can access her blog here, and participate in her new chess forums here.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Chessmaster: Grandmaster Edition Announced
Link for info is
Bring on the weekend!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Chess Club Night!
Next week we have to start writing down our matches in preparation for our first over the board tournament, so I will most likely start a chess club video series to add to the ones I am already doing on the YouTube channel. Should be fun!
I will be registered with the chess federation along with my son here in Canada within the next couple weeks. I will keep you all up-to-date on our efforts in that front. Take care and enjoy the last day of the week before the weekend!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
New Video: Chess Match
Thanks Susan Polgar!
You can read the post here on Susan's blog if you haven't visited yet today, and the link to her main blog is on the link menu to the right:
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Most Powerful Knight
Tactics Pulling Ahead!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Tactics Practice!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Susan Polgar Starts a Chess Forum Community
Friday, September 14, 2007
The Results are in!
This week's poll concerns what you believe to be the most important training for an amateur to spend his or her time at. Looking forward to the results!
Chess Club Night Roundup
New Video: Chess Tactics #1
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Club night!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Introduction to Slatts: Playing Chess with Principles
I reached this position as black in which my opponent made a fundamental error. He let the center open up without castling. Not only that, but he put his Queen in front of his King. And if that isn't enough, I had a Rook gazing longing past a single enemy pawn that stood between him and a very lovely royal pin.
It is black to move. White just played Bxb5 (a pawn) attacking the rook at e8. It looks strong because it not only takes a pawn but does so with tempo. What is the best move for black in this position?
Chess Principles at work:(1) Important in the middle-game is king-safety. (2) Do not let the center "explode" or "open up" when your King is caught in the middle. In this situation with both black rooks on the e and d files white must be very careful about the tactics. The objective for white here should be to castle as soon as tactically possible.
Did you come up with the move? Hint: It may not spell the immediate end of the game, but after the dust settles white will only be able to struggle in a hard endgame for a draw.
Post the move if you see it!
Chess Puzzle and New Contributer
As for the puzzle, here is a game I had today on FICS. I was black playing a Sicilian Defence. It is black to move. What do you think was possible from this position?
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Looking for contributers!
New Video: Exploring Fischer's Openings #3: Four Knights Game
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Another Fun Chess Club Night
I took my boys to the chess club tonight, my youngest is the stronger of the two in chess, and the older son is showing interest in the game. There wasn't many people there tonight but it was still a fun night of chess. The picture here is a position I was in as black, which I won. I am posting the position to see what you guys might have played as white. In the image, it is white to move.
The match was won via promoting the A7 pawn after exchanging rooks. After moving rook to E1, and my opponent moving his knight, I took my rook down to D1, forcing the exchange, creating a knight vs. bishop end-game.
Monday, September 3, 2007
New Video: Exploring Fischer's Openings #2: Sicilian vs. King's Pawn
Sunday, September 2, 2007
The votes are in!
Absolutely! (33%)
One can try, that's for sure! (55%)
Most likely not. (11%)
You must be joking! (0%)
Interesting spread! I am definitely going to try hard to reach IM status over the next few years. Will I make it? I am not sure, but I know one thing: I will definitely enjoy the ride!
There is a new poll up - check it out and place your vote!