I have been debating between a Blackberry Curve, Iphone, and some other Smartphones lately. I would like to get something that connects to the FICS server (and maybe someday the ICC server) with relative ease of use regardless of my location. I have heard mixed stories on the overall operation on all the options, but very few chess reviews. If you have one, like one, and would recommend one, share your thoughts in the comments section. If you have tried a few, definitely make some comparisons in regards to pro's and con's of what you have tried.
I have an iphone and is very good for chess. But I don't think there is anything to connect to FICS or ICC. But there are many good chess programs with analysis functions! Email me if you want more details.
Thanks Umberto! I have been checking into the Iphone and there is an app you can get from their app store that will let you connect to the FICS (and most likely ICC) but I am still debating. Been looking mostly into the Iphone, BB Storm, and HTC Touch Diamond.
i have an iphone and you can connect to the fcis site with easy and there a chess with friends app thats lets you play chess with other people but you make your move when ever you get around to it and they do the same. some games take days or weeks.
the fics app on ihpone is called cyber chess and its only a dollar.
I have a treo 700wx and i play online at the fics all the time. the phone is a bit dated and i am looking to upgrade to the Treo Pro. but the treo 700wx works ok on the FICS. and the software is free too the screen size is a bit anoying because i cant uses all the software functions on some of the programs but still thay are freeware. and you can't complain about free
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