Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Video: How to use the Free Internet Chess Server with the Babas Client

One of my subscribers from YouTube had a couple questions regarding how to use the Free Internet Chess server and the BabasChess client for it. The video located here covers some basics, and hopefully some of you who haven't tried FICS will find it beneficial. I am not affiliated with FICS, but I enjoy using it for my online chess.


Pawned! said...

Nice video! I've made mention of it on my web log - Out of the Ether.

Very similar story - my 13 yr old niece picked up on chess a year ago, which led to my rediscovery of chess. "Searching for Bobby Fischer" is now one of her favorite movies of all time.

I enjoy your videos - well done.
Welcome aboard!


jrobi said...

Thanks for the comment Rich! Isn't it amazing how kids can get people excited about things like chess? I just explored your page, which is very well done! I am going to add a link to it. Take care.